UNTITLED  (in progress)  string trio, woodwind trio, brass trio, electronic drones   60’      Apartment House commission

UNTITLED  (in progress)  chamber choir   15'      Louth Contemporary Music Society commission, for Chamber Choir Ireland

BASSO CONTINUO  (2024)  viola, cello, two contrabass, bass flute, oboe, accordion, harp   35'      Ghost Ensemble commission

TENERAE  (2023-2024)  acoustic or electric organ and four trombones   45’      Lampo and Chicago Architecture Biennial commission

THREE UNISONS FOR FOUR VOICES  (2023-2024)  strings, winds, percussion, electronics   70’      No Hay Banda commission

POSSENTE SPIRTO  (2023-2024)  sustaining continuo, string duo, brass duo   30'

RES SUB ROSA  (2023)  wind quintet   30’      for Harmonic Space Orchestra (Winds)

DIPTYCH  (2023)  telescopic aulos and viola   40’      Sonic Acts Biennial commission, for ÏÎ

BRASS CHANT  (2023)  brass trio and electronic drones   60’      Museum of Modern Art commission

THE LOWER MELODIES  (2022-2024)  two violas, two cellos, two bass flutes, two bass clarinets, fixed electronics   45’      Wild Up commission

GRADUALS  (2022-2023)  eight cellos and fixed electronics   40’      Cello Octet Amsterdam commission

FEEDBACK STUDIES FOR PERCUSSION  (2022)  two amplified pianos, tuned gongs, tuned bells, tubular bells   20’      Yarn/Wire commission

ICON STUDIES II  (2021)  string quartet   15’

ICON STUDIES I  (2021)  string quartet, woodwind trio, drone   15’

ALAS, DEPARTING  (2021)  chamber choir   10’

EN BAS TU VOIS  (2021)  four trombones   15’

LONG GRADUS  (2020-2021)  any ensemble of four similar instruments   variable 20' to 70’      Quatuor Bozzini and Gaudeamus commission

MUSIC FOR A HOLDING SPACE  (2020-2021)  electric organ, violin, cello, bassoon, chamber choir   50’      Bonner Kunstverein commission

FIRST CADENCE  (2020)  any ensemble of seven similar instruments   15’

PERFUMES III  (2018)  acoustic or electric organ and piano   10'

PERFUMES II  (2018)  piano and two countertenor voices   10’

STILE VUOTO  (2018)  acoustic organ and string trio   15’      Organ Reframed commission, for James McVinnie and the London Contemporary Orchestra

IF IT PLEASED ME TO APPEAR TO YOU WRAPPED IN THIS DRAPERY  (2017-2018)  acoustic organ, violin, viola da gamba   50’

AUSTER  (2017)  two recorders   10’

IN THE GRAND LUXE HALL  (2016)  amplified cello and sine tones   35’      Western Front New Music commission

LYKE WAKE DIRGE  (2016)  acoustic organ, viola da gamba, fixed electronics   45’      Innovations en Concert commission

FOR VOICE  (2015)  chamber choir   10’

GENTLE SO GENTLE  (2015)  synthesizer and violin   20’

HELIOTROPE  (2012)  viola, cello, flute, oboe   10’

NIGHT HORNS  (2023)  acoustic organ   25'

BASSE BREVIS  (2023)  acousmatic   18'      Radio France commission

MUSIC FOR A BELLOWING ROOM  (2023)  synthesizer, tape delay, tape loops   180’      Museum of Modern Art commission, with film by Dicky Bahto

PROLOGO  (2022)  acoustic organ   10'

THE CRIER'S CHOIR  (2022)  acoustic meantone organ   10'

CONSTANTS  (2022)  acousmatic   10'

DUST OF EARTH  (2022)  acoustic meantone organ   10'      Canadian International Organ Competition commission

FEEDBACK STUDIES FOR PIANO  (2022)  amplified piano and fixed electronics   30’

HARMONIES IN GREY  (2021)  acoustic organ   20’

HARMONIES IN GREEN  (2021)  acoustic organ   10’

HARMONIES IN BRONZE  (2021)  acoustic organ   10’

O WORLD AND THE CLEAR SONG  (2021)  acoustic organ   15’

VANITY OF AGES  (2021)  acoustic meantone organ   10’

LOWER VISIONS III  (2021)  acoustic organ and electronic drones   20'

LOWER VISIONS II  (2021)  electric organ   45’

HALL OF MIRRORS  (2020-2021)  carillon and sine tones   6’

CHORUS SCENE  (2020)  meantone harpsichord   5’

FIRST CADENCE  (2020)  any sustaining keyboard instrument, with or without electronic delay   10’

BORDER OF MIND  (2020)  acousmatic   6’

RUSHES RECEDE  (2020)  acousmatic   7’

MAGDALENA  (2020)  acousmatic   10’

GATHERS V  (2020)  electric organ and tape delay   15’

GATHERS IV  (2020)  Mellotron and tape delay   15’

THIRD TRIAD  (2020)  acousmatic   7’

STATIONS I-V  (2019)  acoustic meantone organ   20’

STILL LIVES  (2019)  acoustic organ   10’

HANGING GARDENS  (2019)  acousmatic   6’

DIAPHONIA BASILICA  (2018-2019)  acoustic organ   15’

MIDLANDS  (2018-2019)  acoustic organ   10’

COMPOSITION OF FLOWERS  (2018)  synthesizer and tape delay   50’

MATINS  (2017)  acousmatic   9’

WAKING  (2017)  electric organ   10’

GLOAMING  (2017)  piano, synthesizer, tape delay   10’

ACCORD OF VOICE I  (2017)  acoustic organ   10’

LAURUS I-III  (2017)  acoustic organ   10’

AT HAND  (2016)  electric organ   10’

HOURS IN THE EVENING  (2016)  electric organ, tape delay, tape loops   45’

CHANTER  (2015)  acousmatic   5’

FOR STRINGS  (2015)  acousmatic   8’

FOR ORGAN  (2015)  electric organ   10’

IN STAYING  (2015)  acousmatic   11’

BURGUNDY  (2015)  acousmatic   8’

FEELER  (2014)  acousmatic   7’

MARE IMBRIUM  (2014)  acousmatic   8’

NEUSTADT  (2014)  acousmatic   13’

TIERGARTEN  (2013)  acousmatic   7’

RUISLIP  (2013)  acousmatic   8’

OLSUN  (2013)  acousmatic   10’

BANYAN  (2013)  acousmatic   5’

ALMS VERT  (2012)  acousmatic   13’

AURUM  (2012)  acousmatic   7’

HELIOTROPE  (2012)  acousmatic   10’

WELKIN  (2011-2012)  acoustic organ and fixed electronics   25'

IN THE LITTLEFIELD CHOIR LOFT  (2011)  twelve complex waveform generators and resonant filters, diffused in six channels   23’

OSCEN  (2019)  orchestra and fixed electronics   20’      BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra and Tectonics Festival commission

- for scores, parts, and related enquiries, please write to info@latemusic.co -